Texas-born Melbournian Jude Perl is a talent to behold. She can sing, play piano, she makes up songs oh yeah AND she’s funny.
Perl, who has received commercial radio airplay for her pop song Boys and Girls, is an accomplished jazz musician (she studied jazz at uni) and won Green Room awards for both her previous shows brings an eclectic style, awesome talent and presence to the stage. She has a knack for writing the catchiest tunes with clever stream-of-conscious style lyrics.
Her largely autobiographical show covers topics like living in a share house, digestion, hanging out with friends (and imploring them not to have babies), starting a new relationship and not being able to please everyone. These may not sound like funny topics but when Jude sings about them I guarantee you they are freakin’ hilarious!
Jude Perl’s cabaret-style show is a wonderful breath of fresh air so treat yourself to a bit of Perl magic and go and see Let’s Hang Out, showing at the Brisbane Powerhouse as part of the 2018 Brisbane Comedy Festival until Thursday, March 8.